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Eloi LeBlanc

Louis Leger

Eloi LeBlanc was born in College Bridge, New Brunswick on November 26, 1909, died June 21, 1978 in Beaumont and was buried in Pré d’en Haut. He started playing fiddle at an early age, inspired by his fiddling maternal grandfather and uncle. Throughout his lifetime played for local dances and weddings, getting the nickname “The Fiddler of Memramcook Valley”. He had a phenomenal memory for tunes as well as a great knack for composition. Many of his tunes live on thanks to other fiddlers such as Den Messer who made them even more popular. He performed with Bob White’s Moncton Ploughboys, then on the Maritime Farmer’s radio show, and finally joined up with Kidd Baker and the Pine Ridge Mountain Boys in Ontario. He stayed with this band for 12 years and spent the final years of his life living with his sister Laura who was also his piano accompanist. Eloi recorded only one record album, “Eloi and his Fiddle” (Eloi et son Violon) on Les Productions Acadiennes  LPA-1001-1977. Some of his tunes include: Le Reel de l’Hiver, Anne Marie Reel, Reel des Maritime Farmers, Narcisse à John (named after his maternal grandfather),  and  Eric à Théotime à Six Pouces (named after his uncle).

Mack à John 🎼

We found this great field recording of Eloi Leblanc playing "Mack à John" thanks to Robert Richard, the archivist at the Centre D'Etudes Acadiennes Anselme Chiasson at the University of Moncton. Towards the end of the recording, Eloi explains that he got the tune from Mack, John's son and John was his great grandfather ("le père à mon grand père). Many of his tunes are named after family members. He also calls this tune a "double temps" a double time or in other words a jig (6/8 time).